Sisyphus meaning
Sisyphus meaning

Philosophies for Living: the Ultimate Guide to Enriching Your Personal PhilosophyĮnhance your approach to life by exploring 7 of the world’s wisest and most influential philosophies for living - including Stoicism, Buddhism, and Existentialism. On the other, we are not equipped to ever adequately satisfy this longing - Camus rejects every scientific, metaphysical, or religious attempt at doing so. On the one hand, we are by nature curious animals who long for meaning and purpose - a fundamental reason for existing. How so? Well, Camus argues that a paradox lies at the heart of human experience. Camus thinks Sisyphus's situation perfectly encapsulates the entirety of human intellectual and philosophical endeavour. Beyond everyday absurdityįor Camus, it's not just the similarities between Sisyphus and our repetitive day-to-day schedules that make our existences absurd it goes far beyond that. And this cyclical mundanity points to the fundamental absurdity of the human condition: all this time we thought we were making progress - we're all just Sisyphus, each with our own boulders to bear. We wake up, we toil, we sleep we wake up, we toil, we sleep we push the boulder up, it rolls back down, we start again. “The workman of today,” Camus writes in his mind-bending book The Myth of Sisyphus, “works every day in his life at the same tasks, and this fate is no less absurd. Or are they? Indeed, 20th-century French thinker Albert Camus believed the myth of Sisyphus to be a brilliant metaphor for our everyday existence. And he must do this over and over - forever.ĭoesn't sound great, does it? Poor guy.

sisyphus meaning

Each time, Sisyphus must descend and start again. He's the unlucky protagonist of the Ancient Greek myth where, having royally upset the gods, he's condemned - for all eternity - to push a boulder up a mountain, only for it to roll all the way back down upon reaching the top. Have you ever felt - no matter what you do - that you're not getting anywhere? That all your efforts are futile? That regardless of how you act you simply end up back where you started?

Sisyphus meaning